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December is the end of the year. There are many self-reflection happens in my personal and professional life that will be worthwhile to be shared with you.

See your outlook on life as a type of paintbrush, you design your own world. It might be happy, full of satisfaction and hope, or it can be dreary and dark. Your mindset is reflected in the world you live in.

Your mindset toward life impacts how life feels about you. What you put forth is what you get back. You must think, act, speak, and behave in all of your conduct as the person you intend to become.

Find your greatest area of contribution to others, and put all of your effort into it.

In the beginning of the year, I told myself to fulfil all my dreams of 2022. Some happened beautifully, some don’t or postponed – looking back I am so glad and proud, not because the achievements, but the persistence for keep moving forward.

1. Success is The Step-by-step Progress of a Noble Goal.

In our society, achieving a goal is viewed as a sign of success. However, it is not only about end results, but also the progress of achieving it. As Designer, you will succeed if you discover your passion and genuinely enjoy what you do. Making a consistent contribution shouldn’t ever be a problem if following your passion results in the creation of something valuable.

How to define failure then? Failure is not about not succeeding in your first, second, or third endeavour. Failure is someone who – doesn’t continuously work on their goals.

2. Courageously Pursuing Your Ideal or Accepting Comfort Zone.

Without the right mindset, no matter how hard you work, you might not achieve anything. Certainly, I’ve encountered circumstances like this previously. It has always been more gratifying to be working toward worthwhile goals rather to just going through the flow.

This year and the following year, there will be more opportunities than there have been recently. It’s time to put that ideas you’ve been hiding in your brain to use. All you need to get where you’re going is a strategy, continuous action, and the courage to move forward.

Be of service … build … work … dream … design… and create! Do this and you’ll discover that the success and abundance come to you automatically.

3. Forget Competition and Focus on Creation.

The only competition that exists is the one you set up for yourself. Forget about what others are doing and don’t compete with anyone timeline. Learn to create, work on your own pace.

4. Everything Worthwhile in Life Come to Us at The Right Time.

The thoughts you have have an effect on how your lives turn out. Whether consciously or unconsciously, your minds direct you. You must exercise more control over your thoughts if you want to have more influence over your life.

Think Not of Future Rewards but of Present Service.

If you always have negative thinking, it is difficult to have positive and wonderful life. Because thinking determines your happiness and success, it is imperative that you look after it carefully. See the beauty and be grateful as much as you can.

5. Willing to Pay The Price, Ideas are Worthless Unless You Act On Them.

Success will never be given away. Whether that be having satisfying interpersonal interactions, being in good physical or financial health. There is always a price to pay. Avoiding the cost will just make things more difficult. Once you realise this, the road will be much simpler than if you tried to escape the discipline and hard work.

Good ideas are many. Ideas by themselves, however, have little effect. Instead than thinking and speculating about what would be the next big thing, take an idea and do it with iteration along the way.

Make the most of what you have and who you are in the time you have been given..

Let’s make 2023 more wonderful year than ever!! Hohoho… ❤️

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